LA Weekly: 7 Wine Lover–Approved Holiday Gifts That Aren't Another Bottle
Posted: Dec 18 2014

Genesis Wine Preserver
Now we’ve all seen those pressurized wine dispensers in supermarkets and wine bars where the wine is on tap with its box or keg behind a glass window. Well now you can have one of those in your home. Genesis is first home-use, single-bottle preservation and dispensing system designed for both still and sparkling wine. Each unit includes three “IntelliCorks”: two for still wine and one for sparkling, as well as two canisters of Wine Gas – enough to pressurize 24 bottles. After you pull the cork and insert your Genesis “IntelliCork” / dispensing spout into the bottle, you insert the bottle into the Genesis unit to be pressurized with wine gas, and that’s it. According to the good people of Napa Technologies, your pressurized wine will last for two months. (Two weeks if the wine is sparkling.) $500, order online here.
Now we’ve all seen those pressurized wine dispensers in supermarkets and wine bars where the wine is on tap with its box or keg behind a glass window. Well now you can have one of those in your home. Genesis is first home-use, single-bottle preservation and dispensing system designed for both still and sparkling wine. Each unit includes three “IntelliCorks”: two for still wine and one for sparkling, as well as two canisters of Wine Gas – enough to pressurize 24 bottles. After you pull the cork and insert your Genesis “IntelliCork” / dispensing spout into the bottle, you insert the bottle into the Genesis unit to be pressurized with wine gas, and that’s it. According to the good people of Napa Technologies, your pressurized wine will last for two months. (Two weeks if the wine is sparkling.) $500, order online here.
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